EVE - Summit Statement and Future Steps

by Julian Asbäck

After five days of information rich talks and close discussions in breakout groups, the ideas circulating during the Berlin Summit for EVE were captured in a concluding Summit Statement (PDF). The document reiterates the urgent demand for actionable climate information, and details the infrastructural needs and collaborative ambitions of the project. As EVE aims to involve scientific communities globally through its distributed network of local data and computing centers, it will require concerted international efforts for its realization.

A rhythm of bi-weekly meetings kicked off on July 28th and will discuss the next steps for EVE on the road to COP 28. As EVE strives to establish a general information platform, interdisciplinary efforts will come to play a pivotal role. To involve a diversity of scientific communities, different facets of EVE are being developed in papers targeting specific communities, e.g., in the social science, or information sciences. Another point to be integrated in the public communication of EVE will be the potential high fidelity climate information holds for agriculture and global food security. Lastly, the information infrastructure proposed by EVE is relevant today – many communities are already affected by the impacts of climate change, high-fidelity information can help to find adaptive measures and define mitigation targets.