EVE - Harnessing Technology for Climate Solutions

by Bjorn Stevens

The Berlin Summit for EVE brought together nearly 200 participants from around the world — intellectually and physically — from climate science, to impacts, from climate policy to technology, from Argentina to India, from Senegal to Finland. In the words of one of the keynote speakers, Jensen Huang CEO of NVIDIA, climate is a zero-billion-dollar industry, which is to say that it has unbounded potential to engage the private sector. At the same time, he, and the rest of the participants recognized it as a (soon)10 billion person urgency, as the world wakes up to the reality of climate change. Thoughtful and ambitious plans are needed now if we aim to engage the talent and technology in ways that rise to these demands, and meet EVE’s vision of “A world where everyone knows how climate and climate change affect their weather and environment.”

Technology, all agreed, will play a key role. But this requires better and faster models, and easier and smarter ways of dealing with data. All four are key elements of WarmWorld, one of the Summit’s main sponsors. The summit also brought together an eco-system of European projects, with support and representation from the Swiss EXCLAIM project, the Horizon 2020 Projects nextGEMS and CONSTRAIN, and the University of Hamburg Cluster of Excellence, CLICCS. All have strong overlap with WarmWorld, and show us how our efforts within WarmWorld will not only move climate science and service forward in Germany, but worldwide. Now its time to get to work.